HeresyBrush Forum Painting Conquest 1st editon

Our sister community, HereyBrush, is organizing a painting conquest of 28mm miniatures, with the assistance of Empress Miniatures, and it’s absolutely free!

Concurso pintura Empress MiniaturasI have the pleasure to announce the first HeresyBrush forum painting contest with the assistance of Empress Miniatures.

On the occasion of this new event, we have two categories where you can submit any 28mm miniature from the Empress Miniatures ranges. The two categories are:

Best Single Miniature
Best Squad (at least 4 figures)


Participation is on-line and completely free. To participate you just have to send your contact information (name and e-mail) and at least three photos of each work to:

There is no limit on number of entries and a participant may submit as many works as they want. However, repeated works are not permitted. If you present a miniature in the category Best Single Miniature, you can’t present the same figure as part of a squad in the other category. It is OK if miniatures have been shown previously here or elsewhere online.

You can’t use Photosop or similar software to improve your photos, except to adjust the white balance. Titles or labels are not allowed. Also, you have to present individual photos. Collages are not allowed.

The deadline for all entries is October 1, 2013. The winners will be announced a week from then.


There will be only two winners, one for each category. Each winner will receive three regular packs of their choice from any of the Empress Miniatures ranges.

Good luck all!.

Spanish civil war Empress miniatures

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