Bolt Action M3A1 Halftrack – 1:56 Warlord Games

I think it’s time to show you a new vehicle for my Bolt Action US Army, an M3A1 Halftrack from Warlord Games.M3A1 Halftrack Warlord I’ve used a typical recipe with which I’m very comfortable:

Airbrushing grey primer, painting the green color with the Olive Drab Modulation set from AK Interactive and applying some weathering effects.

M3A1 Halftrack WarlordThe weathering process consists of:

  • Washes with Green vehicles A.MIG-1005.
  • Chipping applied with a sponge. Color: Vallejo 822 German Cam Black.
  • Streaks with Streaking grime A.MIG-1203.
  • Pigments with a mix of Vallejo Natural Siena and Vallejo Light Yellow Ochre.

M3A1 Halftrack WarlordSo this M3 is ready to kick some axxis asses! Angusin, Heresy… do you hear me? 😉

1 Comentario

  1. grooghh

    Guapisimo ese vehiculo! Enhorabuena 😀


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