III Free Painting Day at Goblin Trader, Madrid – Weathering

After some very interesting painting days about painting tanks and basic use of the airbrush, we’ve decided to organize a new one showing some advanced techniques: Weathering 15mm Tanks. III Free Painting Day at Goblin Trader, Madrid - Weathering The idea is very easy. Each student must bring a fully painted Battlefront tank in 1/100 (15mm) scale. In this painting day we will teach how to add weathering effects using typical techniques (although we’ll show some more advanced tricks too).

  • DATE: Saturday 6th 2014.
  • HOUR: From 11:00 to 19:30, stopping two hours for meal time.
  • PLACE: Goblintrader Madrid. If you go by car, you can park easily and there is not any pay parking area.
  • SEATS: 12
  • TOPICS: Filters, washes, chipping, streaks, tracks.
  • REQUIREMENTS – TANK: Each person must bring 1 fully painted Battlefront tank in  1/100 (15mm): base layer (lighting if you wish, but it’s recommended), accessories and tracks (in neutral brown color, like Brown Beige from Vallejo). Add decals if you want to!!. It’s very important that the tank come varnished in satin or gloss. The tank could be of any period, theatre, army or type. To facilitate the weathering steps we recommend you paint the tank in only one color: green (soviet, us or british), panzer grey, dunkelgelb, etc.
  • REQUIREMENTS – MATERIALS: Each person must bring brushes to apply the effects (one thin and other a little more thick), cotton swabs or makeup sponges, kitchen’s paper and a White Spirit/odorless thinner bottle. We will give you the Weathering products (filters, washes, pigments, etc.).

People who have already been with us in other painting days know that the atmosphere is very nice, we teach the techniques to all students one by one, regardless their level. We always begin showing how to apply the techniques, following with each one personal work. At lunch time we usually go together to take some pizzas to a restaurant near the shop. Oh!!! We’ll raffle some surprises at the end for those who come to the painting day. If you’re interested, please, send us a mail with the following info and send it to rangers@modelbrush.com

  • Name and surname
  • Phone (we’ll only use it if we need to contact you before the painting day)

We have only 12 seats, thus hurry up and apply now!! The III Painting Day is being organized by us, ModelBrush, sponsored by Battlefront MiniaturesGoblin Trader store and Miniaturama Distribución. Thank you so much, guys!

Battlefront Painting Day

UPDATE – 08/09/2014

The workshop was a success. Finally six people participated during all day painting and weathering a Battlefront tank. Here we show you the result of the masterclass on the example tank:

Before (the tank only has modulation – Thanks Angusin!!)

After (with weathering effects applied by Angusin and HeresyBrush)


Rangers talking during the workshop:


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