Last year we published our secondary mission cards to play Mordheim as a free download. We’ve reviewed and proofread the English version to fix several grammatical errors. This would have been impossible without the help of Tenebrae Lux. Thanks for your time and dedication!
Now, you can download for free the updated version. Enjoy them!
If you have any suggestion or comment, do not hesitate and contact with us. We hope you enjoy this project as much as we do!
Hello! Is there a donwload link somewhere for the revised cards?
Hey András, yeah, you can download from here:
I already clicked on that I just wasn’t sure if it was the updated version or not 🙂 thanks! Great job with the cards.
Yeah, that is the last version (updated and proofreaded)
hi,hola no me funciona el link de los comentarios para poder descargarlas,podriais volver a ponerlo? y otra preguntilla,no las tendreis en español?,aunque me apaño bien con el ingles ^^ y muchisimas gracias por hacerlas 🙂
Hola Filo!! puedes descargarlas en español desde aquí: