Once the MMG team was finished, I’ve continued with the granatewerfer 34 mortar team. Now, my German army for Bolt Action is close to be completed!.
Two days ago I commented in this post my interest in complete my German Army to play Bolt Action games. Although I’ve dedicated little time to paint them, I’m happy with the results (the officers with side caps are from a friend, Jose Luis “Porta”). And with these teams, MMG and medium mortar, I already have my army nucleus:
– 1st Lieutenant + 2 soldiers (Veteran). 116 pts.
All with assault rifles STG44
– 1st infantry squad: 7 soldiers (Veteran). 111 pts.
An LMG team
– 2nd infantry squad: 7 soldiers (Veteran). 111 pts.
An LMG team
– 3rd infantry squad: 7 soldiers (Veteran). 126 pts.
All with assault rifles STG44
– MMG (veteran): 65 pts.
– Medium Mortar (regular): 50 pts. I’ve just played two games, but I think the artillery quality isn’t matter, because It always impact with 6 (although you have +1 every turn where you and your target don’t move). What do you think?
This core will be supported, by the time being, by a Hetzer and a Puma. Because the Hetzer is painted, I only have to paint the Sdkfz 234 Puma from JTFM miniatures. I still doubt about the camouflage, but probably I will apply a dunkelgelb base with green and Brown “shingles”. However, I’m not happy with the paint level: I’m mixing miniatures painted five years ago with other models painted recently. And I’ve strongly changed my style. If I had time, I wish I could repaint all models. Sadly, I don’t have enough time. Perhaps with time, I start a new army…WINTER is coming!.
About mortar team, I’ve painted the two remaining crews with splittertarnmuster (splinter) camouflage. Because at this moment I don’t have the colors which I used in PaintingWar, I’ve used others similar. Anyway, a tip to represent this complicated camo pattern is painting geometric shapes, like triangles, linked each other. Splinter camo is characterized by stains of straight edges and very steep angles, so we must avoid curved paths. On the other hand, I think is a great idea apply lights in every stain. Although is a hard work, the final result will be more attractive. Lights give the miniature very much volume, so it’s recommendable apply them always in every part of the model!. Finally, to represent the “rain drops” we can use a very fine brush (I use a number 0 with a few hairs) and thin paint.
By the way, if you are interested in brick walls of the head picture, we are making them. You can find them here.
Splittertarnmuster camouflage:
- Green brown 879 (Vallejo)
- Splinter blotches II 347 (Vallejo, Panzer Aces)
- Luftwaffe Cam. Green 823 (Vallejo, Panzer Aces)