Flames of War – DAK and Desert Rats guns (Forged in Battle)

I took advantage of my last Christmas Holidays to paint more WWII guns in 15mm from Forged in Battle. There are 9 of them (6 for Desert Rats and 3 for Deutsche Afrika Korps), including artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns.  In my humble opinion the FiB’s miniatures are one of the best, aren’t they?

Forged in battle

To paint the British guns I used Desert Yellow 977 like base color and I worked the lights with Iraqui Sand 819 and a bit of white. On the other hand, to paint the German guns I used the same colors, but afterwards I used the «sponge technique» to simulate the original dark grey color used in German vehicles (note, German material was originally painted in grey at that time, and then quickly re-painted in dark yellow). I used Dark Grey 994 for this purpose.


Forged in battle

Forged in battleAnd to paint the infantry I used this color chart:

  • British:
    • Uniform: English Uniform 921 and lights + Desert Yellow 977
    • Helmet: Desert Yellow 977 and lights + with Iraqui Sand 819
    • Webbings: Tan Yellow 912, Flat Brown 984 or black
  • German:
    • Uniform 1: Chocolate Brown 872 and lights + Desert Yellow 977
    • Uniform 2: English Uniform 921 and lights + Desert Yellow 977
    • Uniform 3: Yellow Green 881 and lights + Desert Yellow 977
    • Uniform 4: 887 Brown Violet and lights + white
    • Helmet: Desert Yellow 977 and lights + with Iraqui Sand 819 + chipping with Dark Grey 994 (using a sponge)
    • Webbings: Flat Brown 984 or black

Forged in battle

Forged in battle



Forged in battle

4 Comentarios

  1. Chevalier de la Terre

    Lovely work on these Ruben!


  2. HeresyBrush

    Thanks Rex 🙂

  3. Bradley

    lovely work


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