Mordheim – Mariemburg Warband (500gc)
I’m starting a new Mordheim -my favourite GW’s game- campaign over here, in Joensuu (Finland), and therefore I’ve updated my old Mariemburg warband. To create my band I’ve used only GW’s miniatures, but from different armies. The core of...
Lost Temple in 28mm, Part I
Once again, we show you a fantastic tutorial by MorTap, who teaches us how to prepare some interesting scenery elements inspired by Centro-American cultures. Using cheap materials and easy techniques, we can prepare an outstanding game table! From Mortap: My idea was...
II Free Painting Day at Goblin Trader, Madrid
Hi all! Because of the success of the I Painting Session months ago, we’re now going to do a second one! Of course, at Goblin Trader in Madrid. This time we’re going to focus on the people who just bought an airbrush or those who are going to buy one. We...
Bolt Action Fallschirmjäger 1000 point – 1st Squad
Hi all! I’ve finished the first squad of the German Fallschirmjäger for my Bolt Action army. Here are some pics of the finished 10-men rifle squad. They’re desiring to engage in combat! The Americans from Omar are trembling as they hear the Falls roaring...
BMP1 in Syrian service (1973): masking with Blu-Tack
Auto adhesives putties, such as Blu-Tack or Silly Puty, are tremendously useful tools to simulate camouflages of hard edges in small scales. They are like plasticine, but they are not oily and are easy to handle. The soviet BMP1 is considered the first Infantry Combat...
Fallschirmjäger 1000 point army for Bolt Action
I have a new project this year: make and paint a complete 1000 points list for Bolt Action. I’ve decided to make the one called Operation watch on the Rhine, with German paratroopers, the Fallschirmjägers.The first thing I did was search for the minis I like....
WIP – Heer46 Bergetiger – Part II Finished
I finished the Heer46 Bergetiger yesterday. In the first part of the WIP we showed the history of the Bergetiger, the basecoat and the tritonal camo. Now it’s time to see the final pics of this strange but lovely feline. The Bergetiger kit from Heer46 includes...
WIP – Forged in Battle’s Deutsche Afrika Korps
After several months, I finally have some WWII stuff from Forged in Battle on my painting desk. The first batch is formed by several Deutsches Afrikakorps (DAK) anti-tank guns: Pak 40 (7,5cm), Pak 38 (5cm), Pak 36 (3,7cm) and IG18 (7,5cm). To paint the guns I’ve...
Heer46 E-100 with Krupp’s turret
After painting the tank hunter version I wanted to paint the main battle tank. Using the fantastic model of Heer46, I decided to remove the most part of the side skirts and to use a bitonal yellow-grey camouflage. When I started this project I was quite doubtful about...
WIP – Heer46 E-100 Jagdpanzer Krokodil – Part III Weathering and Final
Third and last part of this WIP, where we can see the finished E-100 Jagdpanzer Krokodil from Heer46. After painting the modulation and camo, which we saw in the last article, it’s time for fun! I applied a pin wash on the whole model to give it some high...
Weathering on 28mm Bolt Action Hetzer – Part II
While ago we show you a fantastic tutorial Jose Luís Diaz “Porta”, about how recreate a disc camouflage in a Hetzer tank, using the Bolt Action model in 28mm (1:56). Now, you can enjoy the second part: the weathering. You can read the first part of the article...
WIP – Battlefront Panzer III J Platoon – Part III Washes
After applying decals for the 15th Armored Division (Panzer Regiment 8), it’s time for washes. And to explain that, I’ve recorded a videotutorial showing how I apply enamel washes. Let’s ride! First of all, I decided to represent the Panzers as the...