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Tercios Liber Militum – Battle report

Tercios Liber Militum – Battle report

I have played my very first Tercios Liber Militum game today, and I’m more than delighted. Fast, dynamic and so fun. Do you want to know more? Continue reading. To get familiarized with the rules we decided to play a basic game (1000 points) and the first scenario...

IV Weathering Workshop organized by ModelBrush

IV Weathering Workshop organized by ModelBrush

We organized the IV painting workshop in Goblin Trader Madrid Sur two weeks ago, and we counted on Rubicon Models‘ sponsorship who provided us the vehicle for the workshop and some extra models to raffle among the participants. Ten participants learnt how to...

Santiago y cierra España! Cuirassiers for my TYW Imperial army

Santiago y cierra España! Cuirassiers for my TYW Imperial army

I’m working on a very special project, my very own 15mm Thirty Years War army. Unfortunately I don’t have time to paint my own miniatures, as I’m always working on comissions. However, the miniatures from Totentanz have inspired me in a way never...

Building a 28mm church

Building a 28mm church

Quoting Pablo Picasso, “the inspiration arrives while working”.  Nevertheless, it was not true for our friend MorTap, who was watching the second episode of the brilliant TV show “True Detective” when he saw a very enigmatic burned church. That was enough to fire up...

Flames of War – M18 Hellcats

Flames of War – M18 Hellcats

Although I don’t play americans, every now and then I paint some of his tanks or infantry bases. Now it’s the turn of these little tank killers. These Hellcats were painted a few months ago (January), but some guys (hi, Conscript Challenge friends!) asked...

III League FOW Goblintrader Challenge 2015-16 Late

III League FOW Goblintrader Challenge 2015-16 Late

¡Hola a todos! Ya tenemos preparada la 3ª edición de la liga de Flames of War GoblinTrader. Nº de plazas: 28 Inicio: 1 de noviembre de 2015 Final: 15 de Junio de 2016 Duración: 7,5 meses 3 Fases con puntos incrementales: 1200, 1500 y 1800 puntos Inscripción: 15€ (En...

Taller de Weathering en 28mm (Bolt Action) en GT Madrid Sur

Taller de Weathering en 28mm (Bolt Action) en GT Madrid Sur

¿No sabes cómo hacer un efecto de barro en las orugas de tu Tigre para Bolt Action? ¿O cómo hacer desconchones que tengan un aspecto realista? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad poner en práctica tus habilidades! ModelBrush te enseñamos como. Desde ModelBrush, y en colaboración...

Sci-Fi in 15mm from Khurasan Miniatures

Sci-Fi in 15mm from Khurasan Miniatures

Khurasan Miniatures is a US miniature brand which produces a huge range of 15mm miniatures, and some 28mm ones. From historical ancient ranges to Sci-Fi and Fantasy worlds. And we want to show you today some of our works using 15mm Khurasan’s miniatures. We are...

III Torneo Flames of War GoblinTrader Madrid

III Torneo Flames of War GoblinTrader Madrid

Los datos son: Fecha: domingo 30 de Agosto de 2015 Lugar: GoblinTrader Madrid (C/ Enrique Fuentes 22) Hora: desde las 9:30 hasta las 19:30. Batallas: 3 partidas (dos por la mañana y una por la tarde). Listas: 1700 puntos de Late War. Inscripción: 10€ . Premios: toda...

The Great Wargaming Survey 2015

The Great Wargaming Survey 2015

Hi. Take a look at this survey arranged by Wargames: Solider&Strategy! This is the second one, because another survey was carried out last year, whose results can be checked in WSS blog. It’s not only interesting to see how is the situation of our hobby, but...

Indiegogo – The last victory in the east, Kharkov 1943

Indiegogo – The last victory in the east, Kharkov 1943

Heer46, a popular German company who produces «paperpanzers» or prototypes in 1:100 scale, released last week a new crowdfunding project to create a new 28mm miniature line of WW2 German soldiers with Charkow-parka (anorak) and other winter equipment. The project is...

Bolt Action – T-34/85

Bolt Action – T-34/85

I don’t use Soviets in Bolt Action, but it’s always a pleasure to paint beautiful and iconic tanks such as the T-34/85 from Warlord Games. Our store in Madrid, Goblintrader, gave us a T-34 to paint it for the Bolt Action demo games. Now the Soviets have...