WIP – Battlefront Panzer III J Platoon – Part I
Hi friends! Today I’m starting with a Panzer III J Platoon from Battlefront. I’m going to paint them as an Afrika Korps Platoon, in a desert scheme. The Panzer III was one of the tanks with more versions available. In fact, the J version I’m going to...
Videotutorial – Weathering techniques in 15mm
In this case, we show you some basic weathering techniques, such as filters and washes, which you can apply on 15mm vehicles. This was my first videotutorial (I have one older, but the quality is terrible), where I explained with detail some weathering techniques. In...
Videotutorial: WWII British infantry in 15mm
Today we bring you another videotutorial which explains how to paint WWII British infantry in 15mm, using a miniature from Battlefront (Flames of War). Although the British army isn’t not as much attractive as the German one (it don’t have many...
Videotutorial – Painting 15mm vehicles
Here we offer you a painting guide constituted by three videos of 15 minutes each, where it is explained all steps needed to paint a 15mm vehicle. Original source: HeresyBrush. Some time ago I prepared this tutorial where I tried to explain all painting and weathering...
Flames of war – Vehicle customization
If you ask me, one of the bigger points in this hobby imply customizing our miniatures. Therefore, your models are different from other players ones. That is, your miniatures will be exclusive. In my case, when I want customize my vehicles I usually use two resources:...
Flames of War – British Mortar Platoon
My brother has finished a Flames of War British mortar platoon and I would like to show it in the blog. Long time has passed since he painted his last mini, and I think this is a good re-entry to wargames. My brother Luis began collecting miniatures more than 10 years...
Ajustando la torreta en un Matilda Mk II
El otro día recibí de las manos de warzone un Matilda Mk II de Zvezda, escala 1/100. Un tanque un tanto peculiar y un buen kit de este fabricante ruso. Pocas piezas y muy limpias, de montaje muy sencillo y rápido. En menos de media hora lo tenía montado. Pero por...
Bolt Action – Updating my German army – Part III
I continue updating my German army for Bolt Action. The last update is another repainted MMG team, to complete my army nucleus. Previously (Part I and Part II), I explained my ideas to renovate and extend my German army for Bolt Action. Last week we were discussing...
Bolt Action – Empezando con Americanos – Parte III
Llega el momento de darle color a esos pequeños yankees grises que pululan por mi mesa de trabajo. Pero ¡demonios, son demasiados! Va a ser necesario poner un poco de orden y organizar el pintado de todas las unidades. En episodios anteriores... En la primera parte de...
WIP – T-34/85 Plastic Soldier – Part III
After assembling the tracks on the tank and retouching some chipping, it’s time to end with it by adding the fuel barrels and painting the tank commander. I made a mistake applying some Vallejo varnish to the pigments on the tracks, as I moistened most of them...
HeresyBrush Forum Painting Conquest 1st editon
Our sister community, HereyBrush, is organizing a painting conquest of 28mm miniatures, with the assistance of Empress Miniatures, and it’s absolutely free! I have the pleasure to announce the first HeresyBrush forum painting contest with the assistance of Empress...
Bolt Action – Empezando con Americanos – Parte II
Los americanos continúan reuniendo efectivos para organizar una fuerza capaz de enfrentarse a cualquier amenaza 🙂 Como ya comenté en la primera parte, había seleccionado y montado las miniaturas que conformarían el núcleo de mi fuerza de americanos para Bolt Action,...